all_cumulative.html Overall data COLUMNS: number of solved instances (SOLVED) total time taken on solved instances (TIME) SAT inst. and time taken on them (SAT, TIME) same as above for UNSAT inst. (UNSAT, TIME) uniquely solved instances (UNIQUE, TIME) rnd_cumulative.html non-rnd_cumulative.html Overall data (resp., randon and non-random instances) COLUMNS: as all_cumulative.html other_cumulative.html verification_cumulative.html planning_cumulative.html mA_cumulative.html mB_cumulative.html Overall data considering five "super" families: - planning (non-random planning instances) - verification (non-random FV instances) - other (all the remaining non-rand. instances) - mA (random, model A) - mB (random, model B) all_family.html Data per each solver on each family (16 tables) COLUMNS: number of instances considered (TOTAL) number of instances solved (SOLVED) time taken to solve them (TIME) SAT inst. and time (SAT, SAT TIME) UNSAT inst. and time (SAT, UNSAT TIME) At the end of the table the number of families where the solver was able to solve at least one instance. best_benchmark.html The best solver on each single benchmark COLUMNS: best solver (BEST SOLVER) time taken by the best solver (TIME) how many solver conquered the inst. (SOLVED)