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// Fig. 9.4: Point.java
// Point class declaration represents an x-y coordinate pair.

public class Point {
  private int x; // x part of coordinate pair
  private int y; // y part of coordinate pair

  // no-argument constructor
  public Point()
    // implicit call to Object constructor occurs here

  // constructor
  public Point( int xValue, int yValue )
    // implicit call to Object constructor occurs here
    x = xValue;  // no need for validation
    y = yValue;  // no need for validation

  // set x in coordinate pair
  public void setX( int xValue )
    x = xValue;  // no need for validation

  // return x from coordinate pair
  public int getX()
    return x;

  // set y in coordinate pair
  public void setY( int yValue )
    y = yValue;  // no need for validation

  // return y from coordinate pair
  public int getY()
    return y;

  // return String representation of Point object
  public String toString()
    return "[" + x + ", " + y + "]";

} // end class Point

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