Created with JBuilder
// Fig. 8.12: Employee.java
// Employee class declaration.
public class Employee2 {
  private String firstName;
  private String lastName;
  private static int count = 0;  // number of objects in memory

  // initialize employee, add 1 to static count and
  // output String indicating that constructor was called
  public Employee2( String first, String last )
    firstName = first;
    lastName = last;

    ++count;  // increment static count of employees
    System.out.println( "Employee constructor: " +
                        firstName + " " + lastName );

  // subtract 1 from static count when garbage collector
  // calls finalize to clean up object and output String
  // indicating that finalize was called
  protected void finalize()
    --count;  // decrement static count of employees
    System.out.println( "Employee finalizer: " +
                        firstName + " " + lastName + "; count = " + count );

  // get first name
  public String getFirstName()
    return firstName;

  // get last name
  public String getLastName()
    return lastName;

  // static method to get static count value
  public static int getCount()
    return count;

} // end class Employee

Created with JBuilder